Ten GOOD things to do during a flare … if you’re me

In the spirit of this blog being positive, here’s the antithesis to the post below. Ten good things to do during a flare – but of course it only applies if you’re me, ’cause everyone’s flares are different!!

1. Take it easy.
2. Take time off work.
3. Really – take time OFF work.
4. Listen to your own excellent advice about taking time off work.
5. THINK – try to be slightly more aware of hands and feet BEFORE you do dumb things!
6. Keep as active as possible – but don’t force yourself.
7. Do everything you can to get to sleep and stay that way at night! E.g. Take 5HTP, take paracetamol just before going to sleep even if you’re not sure you need them, listen to Bill Bryson reading one of his books in his gentle, soporific voice (or Tim Piggot-Smith reading David Starkey, or anything by Stile Antico)
8. Eat sensibly and TRY not to comfort eat!
9. Learn to count.

This flare I have managed to take note of 1-4 and 6-7 this time, and I am feeling A LOT better. I’ll try harder next time and see if I can manage all ten … well nine … well eight really …

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