Amazing, the power of four whole days off!!

I just took the whole of the Easter break off – Friday to Monday. I was seriously tempted to take Thursday too but it’s a good job I didn’t as I landed two lucrative jobs on that day (maybe because everyone else had taken Thursday off?) Anyway, Friday was OK, great to have a break, I was really tired after a madly hectic March, but Saturday was extraordinary. I woke up feeling really well – not just ‘I don’t hurt very much’ well, or ‘I don’t feel too bad today’ well but really well – so well, in fact, that I actually spring cleaned (sprung clean?) the kitchen!

Now you have to appreciate that not only am I not much of a spring cleaner, I’m not much of a cleaner full stop. It’s hubby’s job, the housework – he even says he enjoys it. Well, after Saturday I have to say I have a renewed appreciation of how hard he works on his days off, getting the basic housework done. Admittedly what I was doing was more than basic – it was all those once a year jobs (or in many people’s cases once every few months jobs (and in some cases no doubt daily jobs, but if so – get a life!)), and it was a hard slog, but actually I quite enjoyed it (as a very occasional thing). It’s not something I’d want to do regularly. Of course part of the enjoyment was that I could do it – my hands didn’t hurt, in fact none of me hurt, and I was buzzing with energy. By lunchtime I still didn’t hurt but the energy had gone and I collapsed in front of the telly for an hour like a limp dishrag – but a limp dishrag with an enormous sense of achievement and well-being – especially knowing I had TWO MORE WHOLE DAYS OFF TO COME!

I did get lots of embroidery done towards my City and Guilds, and generally just lots of relaxing, which I really needed!

Pity I went and spoiled it slightly on Sunday by eating too much Easter chocolate and getting a bit of an upset tummy over Monday! Oops. Still, it was fab to have all that time off and I do feel SO much better for it! We culminated the break with a lovely walk in the glorious spring sunshine yesterday evening. My favourite season has always been autumn, but this year spring is a very close runner up and might just overtake!

2 thoughts on “Amazing, the power of four whole days off!!

  1. It does feel great to tackle spring cleaning and get it done. I know just how triumphantly tired you felt. Wonderful that you were able to take the Friday and Monday off, too,

    I’ve always loved autumn the best, but like you, this spring feels more lovely than most. Perhaps it’s because we actually had winter this year, with lots of cold, rain and snow. I’m looking forward to enjoying this pretty season, and I’m hoping that summer will be a mild one — not too terribly hot, like usual, but just gloriously warm and full of sunshine.

    Glad you’re feeling good! Here’s hoping it stays that way!

  2. Wow! I am extremely impressed by your ambitious tackling of such a project. Congratulations!

    It’s great to hear that you’re feeling so well, too 🙂

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