How do I not overdo it tomorrow?

Today was my first day back at work – knee flare seemed to be pretty much over: the swelling had gone right down, it didn’t feel terribly hot, but it was achy now and then. Hurrah.

However, now the other knee had started to ache – RA, or just a reaction to me walking ‘funny’ because of the left knee flaring? I don’t know – but to add to the mix, today being my first day back at work meant it was also the first day since the holidays where I haven’t spent a significant amount of time with my feet up – and I’m really feeling that this evening, as I sit here typing with an ice pack clamped between my knees, and the heat pack waiting for me in bed!

Here’s the thing though – we’re moving offices tomorrow!

Fortunately hubby has the day off and has been volunteered, slightly unwillingly but with good grace, to be my feet, and the facilities manager in the building is also going to help us lug stuff, and then my two colleagues are both fairly fit … so hopefully I can pull out a conductor’s baton from somewhere and just direct operations!

2 thoughts on “How do I not overdo it tomorrow?

  1. Polly: I have been off the grid for a few weeks and it’s good to catch up with you. Glad the shoulder injection worked, but am so sorry to hear about your knee. Hopefully it was a fleeting flare (if there is such a thing). Thanks so much for adding me to your blog roll! And congratulations on the Healthline nomination. I’m there, too, but there are so many wonderful blogs (like yours) represented. Hope this year brings you lots of love and lots of blessings!

  2. Hi Carla, Glad you’re up and running again – and congrats on being on the Healthline nominations too. Rheumatoid Arthritis Warrior is running away with the votes so we should all support her! Then again, did you know you can vote for as many people as you like each day? Only once per person per day, but you can vote for many people a day … if you can be bothered to get through their system to do it! 🙂 Knee flare came and went … but now alas it’s coming again! 😦

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