Oral Prednisolone

I’ve read a lot on the net about oral prednisolone and generally I’ve thought, ‘Hmm, glad I don’t need any of that then …’

Me and my big mouth …

Anyway, here’s why. I woke up Tuesday morning and my left knee, which is where I had the major, major, MAJOR problems in 2008 but which has been relatively OK since, was stiff … I mean REALLY stiff, as in couldn’t straighten, couldn’t bend. Oh well … it didn’t last long. It stayed a bit stiff until about lunchtime and then wore off.  It didn’t hurt at all so I decided not to worry about it. ‘One of those things,’ I said to myself, ‘one of those little unpredictable joys of R.A. No doubt that’s the last I’ll hear from that knee for a year or two.’

WRONG! Woke up yesterday morning and the knee was really stiff again, but instead of wearing of by lunchtime it didn’t wear off all day! It still didn’t hurt so I thought, ‘Oh well, maybe it’ll be OK tomorrow.’

You guessed it – this morning it was really stiff again and it hurt (just a bit, but it did hurt). It also felt as though someone had strapped a great big lead weight around it, which says ‘swollen’ to me, although it’s not actually noticeably hot or inflamed.  So I gave in and took the doctor lottery – i.e. ‘same day appointment with a member of the same day team. We can’t tell you who you’ll be seeing and it may be a doctor or a nurse.’

Well it was obviously my lucky day because I saw Dr. Locum Eye-Candy, and apart from being eye-candy he also seemed pretty switched on and sensible and (mostly) listened to what I had to say. OK, so he got slightly confused and when I’d said, ‘This started on Tuesday’ that somehow got translated in his brain to, ‘This is an ongoing problem I’ve had for months’ – but hey, we got that straightened out pretty quickly, so I’ll let him off! (Also perhaps I got a little confused. He was GORGEOUS – made it hard to concentrate on why I was there … Hmm, hubby will proofread this for me later. Perhaps I should take it out … nah … )

So here I am about to experience my first ever oral prednisolone – oh lucky me !

On the bright side, I am taking minimal quantities and assuming it works I will only be on it for three days, so I don’t anticipate any problems. In fact I anticipate a miraculous cure. Let’s hope I’m right. I don’t always hate it when my predictions come true!

Also, on the really, really, really sunny side, IT’S NOT AN INJECTION INTO THE JOINT! (Or indeed an injection into the bum, which is always mildly embarrassing, and would have been ever more so if Dr. Locum Eye-Candy had been giving it to me!)


4 thoughts on “Oral Prednisolone

  1. I’m the same way about oral steroids for pain relief, Polly. I read about others taking them and think, “Wow, am I glad I don’t need those! I hope I never do!” So far (knock wood) I can just keep on saying that.

    But of course this stupid disease DOES change. I’m sorry to read that you’ve been having such trouble with that knee, but very glad that you got to see a doctor so quickly (and with the added bonus of his being gorgeous!) and that he prescribed something that is pretty sure to work. Glad, too, that you only have to take the stuff for three days.

    Be well, Polly. Enjoy the upcoming weekend!

  2. Peguin,
    I want to share this bit about a study that examined the cross effects of Gardasil with women who where on single stable does of prednisolone and other immunosuppressives.
    The women experienced mild to moderate mucocutaneous flares over the watch period.
    Was wondering how if any the side effects are going for you? Have you seen a scalar decline at all attributable to the dose?

  3. Well I wasn’t on a stable dose, just a three-day ‘booster’ so to speak, and didn’t have any side effects to speak of, but wouldn’t expect any for such a short dose. Interesting info about the study – I’d never heard of Gardasil and had no idea there was a vaccine for cervical cancer. Does that mean we’re behind the times in the UK?

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