Wow – where did that come from?

I haven’t posted for a while because I haven’t really had much to post about – health-wise I’ve been good. I’ve been a bit stiff in the mornings for the last few days, but nothing to write home (or indeed blog) about. Then today I woke up stiff and tired, having had a migraine try to start in the night (successfully stopped with drugs!) I really couldn’t wake up for an hour or so this morning – not literally, I got up, had breakfast, went to work, but felt really brain fuggy. (Can’t blame the methotrexate as I take it Monday evenings and it’s Monday morning!)

Then when I got up to go to lunch, or rather tried to, I started to stand up and ended up collapsed back in my chair. No dramatic pain or anything – I was just so all-over stiff that joints weren’t doing what they were supposed to do! So after sitting a minute or two and flexing various bits (luckily on my own in the office so no one to see how weird I looked) I managed to get up and go for a short walk. I’ve been trying to walk about 1.5 miles at lunchtime but today I didn’t make 0.5 miles! The stiffness did mostly ware off but I was left with significant pain in the good ol’ left knee, where I usually get a flare if I’m going to have one. I’m really hoping I’m not!

Perhaps it’s the stress of ‘Brexit’ – the ‘Wow – where did that come from?’ title could also apply to that and it seems that partially to blame (apart from racists, stupid people and perhaps a handful of people with genuine concerns) may be the polls (as opposed to the Poles, which a lot of East Anglia would like to blame, I’m sad to say). The polls kept saying we’d vote to stay, so people decided that it wouldn’t matter if they had a ‘protest vote’. ‘Let’s vote leave, just so the government can see we’re annoyed with them – we’ll end up staying anyway.’ I’ve actually heard people say it, and then there’s this http://article in the Independent. No doubt people like this thought they were being terribly clever and original, but you get enough people doing the same thing (not that original after all guys) and guess what, we end up voting Leave.

Never mind the embarrassment of waggling stiff limbs about randomly in front of people, I feel embarrassed to be English at the moment! (I would say British but the Scots voted to stay!)

Hopefully the stiffness and knee pain will be a short-term issue. Alas, the same cannot be said for the state of Britain!

3 thoughts on “Wow – where did that come from?

  1. Nothing like a triple-whammy of Brexit, a migraine, and a flare to start off your week. Hopefully all three will be less traumatic than they could be. (And if you’re embarrassed to be English — which you should never be — just imagine what it’s going to be like to be American after our next presidential election. Egad!)

  2. Polly – hang in there. And you’re right – if stress helps create issues with our chronic illnesses, then BREXIT could be top of the blame list. Hoping everyone gets it all figured out although it will take time. Feel better

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